YOY Price Decline Map

It’s finally become valuable to map out the metros and counties with a year-over-year price decline. These are small today but very meaningful. Earlier this year we were staring at 20% yoy appreciation and today there are some metros that are negative yoy.

One good thing about this data is that seasonality doesn’t come into play. Yes, prices slowdown in the winter but year-over-year data is comparing with the previous winter so they are fair comparisons.

Hover over any metro to see price graphs. Check the other tabs for county level data and price-per-square-foot (PPSF) data.

The underlying data for this visualization comes from Redfin Data Center.

  • I filtered the data to counties and metros with > 50 active listings, because there was a lot of noise under that level.
  • County level data is still pretty noisy because some counties are very small.
  • Hope this is useful!